Study with CKB
The CKB has an interdisciplinary team of academic researchers with expertise in epidemiology, statistics, genetics, and clinical medicine. Many of the researchers supervise MSc and DPhil students and lecture on the MSc in Global Health Science and Epidemiology. See the Study with Us section of the Oxford Population Health website for details of MSc and DPhil programmes and how to apply.
DPHil Projects 2024/5 entry
Aging clocks: mechanisms and heath relevance in diverse populations
Burden, causes and consequence of carotid atherosclerosis in Chinese adults
Chronic infection, host immunity, and non-communicable disease risk
Correlates and consequences of hip fracture in Chinese adults
Genetic investigation of the causes of disease in diverse populations
Long-term ambient temperature variability and the associated health risks
Obesity, mechanisms of action, and long-term health risks
Reproductive factors and breast cancer risk in diverse populations
Respiratory diseases in diverse populations: patterns, trends, and risk factors
Risk factors for diseases of the prostate in Chinese and UK adults